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ADE brings together the European industrial and research leaders in space robotics autonomy. The proposed team represents the adequate matching between bringing within OG10 the results of the SRC2016 and including new partners that will complete and add an external point of view to solutions and/or choices done during the PERASPERA project.

consortium image with Bari

More specifically, GMV (ESP and UK) has coordinated three over six of the SRC 2016 OGs, namely OG1, OG2 and OG6 and made the most relevant efforts in the field of autonomous frameworks with the ERGO GOAC and GOTCHA projects; King´s College London (UK) represents world-wide renowned institutes in the field of planning; TAS-I (I) is the ExoMars mission prime and such such will bring its expertise in the area of system requirements definition, Airbus (UK) is the prime contractor of the ExoMars Rover project, and as such is responsible for the rover Guidance; University of Oxford (UK) is probably the most experienced European partner in opportunistic science and rover navigation and localization; UGA-Verimag (FR) is responsible of the BIP system used for formal Verification and Validation in most space robotic programs; Magellium (FR) will add to the team its expertise in rover navigation and localization&mapping also coming from the OG3, Joanneum Research Institute (A) has a long standing reputation in the area of planetary robotics vision, Trasys (B) has extensive experience in rover simulators and ground station, they are working with GMV implementing of ExoMars ROCC or LUCID. DFKI (D) is a key element of the European robotics, which will be in charge of the rover and rover simulator. Additionally the consortium will rely on the excellence of two universities, the University of Malaga (ESP) for implementing a coupled control rover-robotic arm for sample catching, and University of Salento (IT) and Politecnico di Bari (IT)  for soil navigability estimation.


Company Role in ADE
GMV Overall coordination and Interface with other operational grants

Coordination of technology review and SOA

Overall ADAM SW and HW architecture, design, validation and integration within the rover avionics

ERGO and ESROCOS adaptation to OG10

Maintenance of OG2

Responsibility for demonstrator testing facilities detailed design

Simulation and field tests V&V

Field test organization

GMV-UK ADAM deliberative layer adaptation, prototyping, coding and final validation
DFKI Rover integration

Support to new avionic integration on rover

Rover simulator and simulation toolsets

Contribution to field tests

KCL ADAM deliberative layer adaptation, prototyping, coding and final validation
TAS-I Mission and Technology Review and SOA

System and demonstrator scenario and Requirements

OG4 review and SOA

UGA ADAM Formal validation and Verification
Airbus Rover Guidance and navigation adaptation, prototyping, coding and final validation
OXF Opportunistic science both for high resolution time and thermal camera

Training of images recognition for a nuclear scenario

JR Ground truth

Scientific target characterization

ADE test plan definition

MGL Localization and mapping as from OG3 adaptation, prototyping, coding and final validation
UMA Couple control motion rover-robotic arm
US Soil navigation estimation
TRSY Rover Control Station
POLIBA Support to Soil navigation estimation

Table 1: Consortium responsibilities per partner